Projects in our Club History
Projects in our Club History
Since its inception in 1921, the Rotary Club of Lubbock has supported all projects of Rotary International through financial constributions and countless volunteer hours.
Most notably, Rotary International is 'this close' to eradicating Polio worldwide - a project that was started in 1983 and is still going strong, with nations across the world joining the effort to save precious lives.
On a local level, the Rotary Club of Lubbock has been living up to the Rotary Four-Way Test and the ideals of Rotary for over 98 years by initiating and continuing numerous service projects, contributing thousands of volunteer hours and millions of dollars throughout the years:
- The Rotary Cerebral Palsy Center
- South Plains Food Bank, founded in 1983
- Goodwill Industries Sheltered Workshop
- The chapel at the Lubbock State Supported Living Center
- Lubbock Meals on Wheels
- Tornado Disaster Relief Funds for communities in Texas, Mexico, and Colombia
- Contributions to the Health, Hunger, and Humanities Fund of Rotary International
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
- College scholarships for high school students
- Weekend and Christmas backpacks and foods for students in need
- CPS Adoption Carnival
- Bicycle project
- Wheelchair project
The Rotary Club of Lubbock thrives to recognize needs, and welcomes and embraces opportunities to fill those needs of the communities directly around us and around the world.